
Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Bought Starhub and GRP

I bought in 3 lots of Starhub at $1.88 (nice round number) and 26 lots of GRP at $0.20 for 9.5% and 10% yield respectively. These will be added to my dividend basket.

GRP was a heads up from MusicWhiz's blog (see Blogs I visit).

However, with this, my opportunity funds has dwindled to near zero :(
===> This is banking on the fact that AWS is coming in a month's time, along with dividends from SPH, Starhub, CitySpring coming in December. My opportunity funds should be built up by then.
===> I have also 3k cash in Poems CFD waiting... If any cheap valuations come along, I might use it to buy and hold instead.

With these purchases, my average monthly dividends from my dividends basket is about $468.

It's indeed a bad time to start buying in, considering that I'm expecting an interim peak. But the yield at current valuations is irresistible for me as a main dividends player.

My strategy would be to get out of as many trading positions when possible, and continue to hold on to my dividend and investing baskets unless their fundamentals change drastically.

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